Monday, February 18, 2008

Entry Three

Ok, so apprently Cade does read this?...He should definately make an account so he can comment and correct me on my spelling *hint hint*
So ANYWAYS, today I woke up at about I do most days (I do because I can)
and then I went online, well because I have nothing better to do with what is left of my summer holiday...although it is starting to feel like autum...which sucks!
But! I was not online for long because my mum got home and asked if I wanted to go out to lunch with her...considering I had not had breakfast yet, I thought it was a great idea!
After all that I went and bought some pirate stuff! yARRRRRR!
While we where out, we also looked at some cars, because I'm thinking of getting a car so I don't have to share with my sister, because it will be really hard to share, especially when Uni starts back up for me, because we both have to be different places at different times, which gets really annoying!

<3 to Dono & the REAL Matt <3

I think I spend too much time online, especially on Stickam...but thats cause there are just too many sexy people there!!

I'm sad that I'm going to have to go back to Uni, I'm not really looking forward to it, but who knows, maybe it will be a good year?


<3 Rache

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