Thursday, February 21, 2008

Entry Six

Well tonight I'm going to the Chinese Lantern Festival which I'm really excited about, however, the weather has turned to shiiiite lately and I'm really hoping it doesn't rain tonight, because otherwise that will suck!
Plus, I'm probably going to have to drive into the city, which is okay, I suppose I don't REALLY mind doing that... It's just the having to find a park bit which sucks! Guh!
Oh well, tonight should be way fun anyways!!!

Haha!!! Oh! Last night was SO great!!
I got a txt from my friend say that he was trying to get people together to go see the movie "Jumper", which just came out here, and I've been wanting to see it for AGES! But... I had to work until 9pm and the movie started at 8:30pm so I was like, "NOOOOOO THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!"...Ha! but then i decided when I got to work that I would tell them I had to leave and hour early because I had to "go to a family dinner" ... and they bought it! So I was like YAY i get to leave an hour early and go see this movie that I've been wanting to see for ages!
Needless to say it all worked out perfectly and the movie was FLIPPIN AMAZING! I got home and I was all hyper because I was so excited about the movie (plus I was jacked up on candy, coke and popcorn! HA! But yeah, if you ever get the change go check out "Jumper" it's freaking great...If you're not really into the story, (and I must admit at times I was like, "what? ..Oh right...") the mass amount of special effects, with the teleporting, is worth it all ( and yes it's better than Hiro from Heroes lol). It's freak'n amazing!



Robert said...

Just hope nobody from work reads your blog, haha... I didn't know you had a blog until you commented on mine. I'll have to link to you.

Alex said...

Hey, thanks for all your help with the YouTube stuff. I've been blogging for a while now, here's my link:

Thanks again, you're awesome!