Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Entry Four

There are some things that annoy me about YouTube...*GASP*...I KNOW!

So... I'm not going to really list them in a particular order but here we go:

-When people tell me to subscribe to them..
Ok, Ok, I know I've done it myself "hey you know you should subscribe to me *hint hint*" but I do it in more of a joking way...I don't really expect people to subscribe to me, I mean, they can if they want to...But yeah, I don't really mind either way! Anyways! I always feel real bad if someone has just subscribed to me and then they leave a comment along the lines of "Hey I just subscribed to you, can you subscribe to me back"...I'm just like ahhhh! Crap! Please don't put me in this situation! Cause most times out of ten, I won't really want to subscribe to your videos...I am very selective about who I subscribe to and who I don't.
*NOTE* to people who DO leave those kinda comments, I usually either just don't reply...or I will say that I will watch a vid of yours but no promises. Okay :-)

-When people send me videos..
GUH! This is one thing that really annoys me, I HATE it when people send me random videos...Especially if they send the same video a bunch of times, it just clogs up my inbox and makes me annoyed! It also annoys me when people I am already subscribed to send me videos especially after I have already watched them!!! It is part of the reason why I don't usually add people as friends on YouTube... Now bulletins with videos attached I don't mind so much...but yeah, sending videos to my inbox pisses me off! I usually don't even open them...DELETED

-When creepy people send me creepy messages..
Enough said!

-When comments don't work..
Ok, so when I get a new subscriber or whatever I like to go to their page and leave a comment, and sometimes they have comments disabled or they automatically block people who aren't friends, and that's fine, I've come to live with that (lol).
It's when I really want to comment someone and I write it all up and click send or whatever and then it comes up with some stupid message like: "There has been an Error" or some crap like that...and GUH! That just ticks me off! Because then I have to wait for some other time to post the comment...and it's just stupid and a waste of time.
Also another thing about comments is when the alert comes up saying you have gone exceeded the amount of comments you can use and then you have to type in a whole bunch of random letters or numbers into that lil box...Well when that lil box doesn't come up on the page! Man, that's really annoying...sigh...

-When videos are "Unavailable"..

...Ok, I think that is enough ranting for now, plus, I can't really think of much else at the moment...Oh but don't you worry, there are WAY more things that annoy me about YouTube...Like the fact that it's taken over my life, pleh, that kinda sucks HAHA!

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