Saturday, May 17, 2008

Entry Eighteen

Ok, So...

I'm actually really frustraited with the whole Mystery Channel thing, like, it was kinda exciting and stuff at first, but I duno, now it's just kinda become really boring and annoying. All the videos are the same with the same stupid hidden messages that you have to go back and freeze and then still watch the stupid video another 5 times to catch what it says, and then once you know what it says it still doesn't make any sense because its all a bunch of stupid random letters like: BM WR ZC RY XV GJ S K K WR BM FH WR
I think it's also partly from frustration of just not knowing what's going on and the whole process of whatever they're doing taking so long.
I have a feeling I'm going to be booted from it soon anyways...If they even do that kinda thing.

Guh, and in the mean time I have things that are actually WORTH worrying about... Sigh, I can't wait till this stupid semester is over, I hate the project I'm doing now, its just turned into complete crap and I'm probably going to get a really bad mark for it, but I think I've gotten to the point where I just don't even care anymore, as long as I pass I don't care what my mark is.

Its so weird, people I semi know keep coming up to me and saying they've seen me on youtube, like people from Uni or people from work or people I used to go to school with. It's actually really annoying, like I swear at least one person each day has come up to me and said that they've seen me on youtube... there where 2 people today at work. Sigh...
It's also funny because I also keep getting messages from random people who've seen my videos messaging me saying they've seen me around the city. New Zealand is too small for youtube.

If you've not heard it already I suggest you go listen to "Black and Gold" by Sam Sparro, do it now!

1 comment:

Rache said...

An example of why you shouldn't blog when it's late and you're pissed off