Friday, March 14, 2008

Entry Ten

Well, tonight has been quite eventful!

First some friends and I went to see Step Up 2, which is basically like any other hip-hop/dance movie, but the gags where funny, the leads where hot and the moves where amazing... What more do you need?? (ha)

After that we decided to head to Denny's as it was the closest and not as disgusting as Burger King (in my opinion).

Instead of getting desert there (which to tell the truth I was rather sad about because I was quite looking forward to a hot chocolate mud-cake...but oh well...) we thought it would be fun to buy desert from FoodTown and take it to this place where some of my friends where recording music for their band.
I bought a 2L tub of strawberry/vanilla/chocolate ice-cream (bad move), and grabbed about five packets of orange tic-tacs (Juno reference).
Upon arriving we found some spoons and started eating... Needless to say, I felt pretty sick from the ice-cream (I got like a 3rd of the way threw the tub with out throwing up, which was a plus)

Later, I was talking with some friends outside and this (about 14-ish) kid with a black t-shirt and camo pants was walking around and so we asked if he was ok, he asked to use a phone inside and we said, sure go for it.
About 15-20min after he left some of my other friends pulled up and told us about how the police where looking for someone (I have no idea why, but they had a radio in the car that could pick up police/planes/trains and the near by Mc D's radio signals) who had just stabbed their father... And it happened to be the kid with the camo pants and black t-shirt!!!

So as you can probably tell the night got pretty exciting with calling the cops and more run-ins with the stabber kid..etc. etc.

Other than that, Uni is lame, assignments are killing my soul and I have enough readings to sink a ship...sigh... F.M.L!!!

1 comment:

halfscottishguy said...

WOW! creepy stabbing kid. did you see him again after you knew who he was? and did the cops bust him? i hope so...

and only a third of the way through!?!?! PFFT! weak.