Friday, March 7, 2008

Entry Nine

OMG! My first week back at University is finally over!
I can't believe it's only been a week, it feels like at least four...I have so many assignments and readings to do, it's terrible!
I was cool catching up with friends from last year :-) and running into friends who have just started this year.

Ever heard of this t.v. show "Skins" ? No?... Well, it's a british "teen-drama-comedy" type show and it's sucked me in!
I must admit though, I do have a bit of a soft spot for that kinda thing... I randomly started watching it on YouTube last night...and now i've decided I'm going to try watch the whole thing (so far) from the start of season 1 onwards.
It's funny because I remember them advertising it on t.v. ages ago, but i never really watched it or gotten into it... But now, all of a sudden I have!

Ha! Same thing happened with "Veronica Mars"...I never watched it on tele... Then one night I just started watching it from the start all the way to the end of season 3 (I'm a Piz fan SORRY!!!) ...I'm so sad that they canceled it so suddenly! It never got to have a proper ending, you're just left on this annoying cliff hanger of frustration!
Oh well, Lol

Anyway since it is now the weekend and I have Saturday to sleep all day and party all night, I'm going to go watch some more episodes of "Skins" (check it out)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SKINS!!!!!!!!! I love that show! I've done a Nanisnap Reviews: Skins Season 2 which will go up next week.

oh yeah and I have a blog too.

The Skins season 1 DVD is out on thursday if you want to borrow mine, I will surely be buying one!